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You do not have to enroll for a Computer Science degree to start doing some programming or coding. As a student, you can learn some programming languages that can help you achieve your dreams while still in school. Students can also make pocket money from coding. In this post, we will talk about the different programming languages that are fit for students.

您不必注册计算机科学学位即可开始进行一些编程或编码。 作为学生,您可以学习一些编程语言,这些语言可以帮助您在上学时实现自己的梦想。 学生还可以通过编码赚点零花钱。 在这篇文章中,我们将讨论适合学生的不同编程语言。

There are various resources students can use to start their first steps in learning the programming languages of their choice. There is no need for spending more funds to learn coding and programming as a student. If , why not you? By making good use of the free programming courses and classes, you can begin your journey to becoming a sought-after programmer in the future.

学生可以使用各种资源来开始学习自己选择的编程语言的第一步。 无需花费更多的资金来学习编码和编程的学生。 如果 ,那为什么不呢? 通过充分利用免费的编程课程和课程,您可以开始成为未来备受追捧的程序员的旅程。

However, if you feel that the free resources will not suffice your programming needs, you can go for a paid course. They are more extensive, and if you like, a one-on-one class will help you ask questions whenever you need. You may want to set apart time in the evening or on weekends to take advantage of the one-on-one classes. Regardless of the choice you make, you can learn any programming language you want.

但是,如果您认为免费资源不足以满足您的编程需求,则可以选择付费课程。 它们的范围更广,并且如果您愿意,一对一的课程将帮助您在需要时提出问题。 您可能需要在晚上或周末安排一些时间,以利用一对一的课程。 无论您做出何种选择,都可以学习所需的任何编程语言。

Programming Languages for Students

Here are some of the programming languages that students can learn:


1. PHP (1. PHP)

If I said that PHP is an , people would say it is wrong. And I cannot say it is the best. The aim of learning any given programming language is to meet your needs and solve the problems at hand. As a student, learning PHP will help you in various ways. But as long as you understand simple English, you can easily get along with coding in PHP.

如果我说PHP是一种 ,那么人们会说这是错误的。 我不能说这是最好的。 学习任何给定的编程语言的目的是满足您的需求并解决当前的问题。 作为学生,学习PHP将以各种方式为您提供帮助。 但是,只要您懂简单的英语,就可以轻松地使用PHP进行编码。

PHP is a robust programming language developers use in creating web apps and websites. As a student, learning PHP will enable you to create WordPress plugins and make money out of it. Freelance web developers also earn good money completing big projects for companies. You can as well tap into the global economy and become a developer once you learn PHP.

PHP是开发人员在创建Web应用程序和网站时使用的强大编程语言。 作为一名学生,学习PHP将使您能够创建WordPress插件并从中赚钱。 自由职业的Web开发人员还可以为公司完成大型项目赚钱。 学习PHP之后,您还可以充分利用全球经济并成为一名开发人员。

2. Python (2. Python)

As a high school or college student, you may want to create a program to help you in completing your homework. Python is relatively simple and fast to learn. It is, however robust enough to run numerous computations and calculations to give you the desired results in the shortest time possible.

作为高中或大学生,您可能想要创建一个程序来帮助您完成家庭作业。 Python相对简单易学。 但是,它足够健壮,可以运行大量计算和计算,以在最短的时间内为您提供所需的结果。

If you want to become a future developer, python can also help you learn to create industry-standard websites. Many modern websites rely on frameworks to deliver high-quality content and create solutions for the needs of their visitors. Some of these frameworks (Django, Flask, etc) are built on Python.

如果您想成为未来的开发人员,python还可以帮助您学习创建行业标准的网站。 许多现代网站都依靠框架来提供高质量的内容并创建满足访问者需求的解决方案。 其中一些框架(Django,Flask等)基于Python构建。

You need the skills in Python to create such websites for your personal projects or as a motivation for your future developments. You can also sell your Python skills by developing websites for people and get paid.

您需要Python的技能才能为您的个人项目创建此类网站,或者作为您未来发展的动力。 您还可以通过为人们开发网站来出售Python技能并获得报酬。

3. Java (3. Java)

Java is considered to be difficult by some people. But it all depends on your goals. As a student, you have already started making choices of what you want to achieve in the near future. Learning Java can set you on good ground for you to become an app developer once you are through with high school.

有些人认为Java很困难。 但这全取决于您的目标。 作为一名学生,您已经开始选择在不久的将来要实现的目标。 学习Java可以为您在高中毕业后成为应用开发人员奠定良好的基础。

While in school, you can start by creating simple mobile games (Java is compatible with Android). As you advance your skills, you can start developing apps that provide solutions to people who need them. I can still do Java development and without worrying about the time I spend learning the programming language. You can publish the apps on the Play Store and make cash from sales while still studying.

在学校期间,您可以从创建简单的手机游戏开始(Java与Android兼容)。 随着技能的提高,您可以开始开发可为有需要的人提供解决方案的应用程序。 我仍然可以进行Java开发和而不必担心我花时间学习编程语言。 您可以在学习期间在Play商店上发布应用程序并从销售中获利。

4. SQL (4. SQL)

Arguably, is not a programming language. But learning SQL is essential for students. The language is necessary for many goals a student may want to achieve. For instance, it makes searching for a string and storing data simpler and faster.

可以说, 不是一种编程语言。 但是学习SQL对于学生来说是必不可少的。 语言对于学生可能要实现的许多目标是必不可少的。 例如,它使搜索字符串和存储数据更加简单快捷。

In college and high school statistics, you may want to use SQL when dealing with various types of data. Instead of keeping spreadsheets, SQL will help you to securely backup your data, structure, and queries in a database for easier retrieval.

在大学和高中统计中,您可能需要在处理各种类型的数据时使用SQL。 SQL无需保留电子表格,而是可以帮助您安全地在数据库中备份数据,结构和查询,以便于检索。

SQL is also the backbone of many web apps built on PHP. When developing PHP apps, you may want to run a sequence of events or retrieve information when running the app. SQL will be vital, and without SQL skills, you will find it hard to implement your PHP skills into meaningful projects.

SQL还是许多基于PHP构建的Web应用程序的骨干。 在开发PHP应用程序时,您可能需要运行一系列事件或在运行应用程序时检索信息。 SQL至关重要,没有SQL技能,您将很难将PHP技能实施到有意义的项目中。

如何为学生学习编程语言 (How to Learn the Programming Languages for Students)

Students can learn programming languages basics online. Many free tools are available to help you kickstart your learning while in school. Codeacademy is one of the freely available learning resources students can use to learn the languages they need to become programmers. With the pro package, you get the tools to help you reach your goals faster.

学生可以在线学习编程语言基础知识。 有许多免费工具可帮助您在上学时开始学习。 Codeacademy是学生可以免费使用的学习资源之一,可以用来学习成为程序员所需的语言。 借助专业版软件包,您可以获得帮助您更快实现目标的工具。

About Author


William Stewart is a web developer, building in PHP and Python. He started learning his development skills while doing his high school diploma. Currently, William helps many students learn the beginner steps of becoming developers in the future.

William Stewart是使用PHP和Python构建的Web开发人员。 高中毕业后,他开始学习发展技能。 目前,William帮助许多学生学习了将来成为开发人员的入门步骤。




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